3 Ways To Safeguard Your Baby's Oral Health

Dentist Blog

Teething is an important milestone in your baby's life; however, you need to start thinking about your baby's oral health well before their first tooth appears. As a parent, you are concerned with their overall health and wellness, so you want to make sure you get a head start on caring for your baby's developing teeth. You might assume that your baby does not require a lot of oral care, but the steps that you take as teething begins help to lay the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health. Here are three ways to safeguard your baby's oral health.

Start brushing your baby's gums when teething begins.

As soon as your baby starts teething, you need to start brushing their gums. Use a soft toothbrush and warm water to gently brush their gums. This not only stimulates their gums during teething, but also helps to keep their mouth clean. As their first tooth erupts, their gums are open and vulnerable to bacterial infection. Further, a brand new tooth has very soft enamel that is vulnerable to tooth decay as well. Modeling healthy oral hygiene behaviors early in your baby's life helps them to develop good habits that they carry on into childhood.

Keep a separate set of utensils for your baby to use.

When your baby begins to teethe, then they also become curious about brand new foods. Their first source of curiosity will extend to your own dinner plate. If you decide to share a morsel or two with your baby, make sure that you are feeding them with a separate fork or spoon. Streptococcus mutans is a bacteria that is spread via saliva, and an infection can cause your baby to develop cavities by the time they are a toddler. Their chance of contracting this bacteria goes up considerably if one of their parents already suffers from tooth decay.

Take your baby to the dentist by their first birthday.

Most dentists recommend taking your baby to their first appointment within six months of getting their first tooth, or by their first birthday at the very least. This visit allows your baby to get used to this new medical professional and to begin building trust. This informational visit also helps your dentist to identify possible issues emerging with your child's teeth, gums, or bite. Some suggestions may include changes to your baby's diet or specific oral hygiene techniques. If you have any questions about your baby's first visit, consider contacting your family dentist to discuss your concerns.


5 November 2015

Getting Your Toddler to the Dentist Once and For All

Toddlers should see a dentist for the first time by the age of twelve months or by the time their first tooth comes in. But if you are a parent with toddlers anything like mine, the prospect of going to the dentist (let alone anywhere!) can be pretty intimidating. My kids were a handful growing up. They had tantrums any time we would have to sit in a waiting room, and they refused to get in the dentist's chair during their first few visits. So, I had to employ a professional to help me make the transition to finally getting them in that dental chair without all the screaming and crying. I know I'm not the only parent in this situation, so I decided to share the information I've learned with others who can use a little help. You can find all my advice right here on these pages!