3 Tooth Replacement Options Your Dentist May Suggest

Dentist Blog

If you have missing teeth, you may feel overwhelmed by the number of options available for tooth replacement. However, different options offer separate benefits, and your dentist will help match your needs to the appropriate dental prosthetic. Here are a few tooth replacement options that your dentist may suggest:


Dentures are commonly used to replace a full or mostly full palate of teeth.  An upper denture is made from false teeth that are connected to an appliance that usually covers the roof of the mouth and is held in place with suction and dental adhesive. The adhesive is applied to the portion of the denture that rests on the gums.

Lower dentures are constructed in a similar fashion to upper dentures. However, there is no portion that covers the tongue or floor of the mouth.  Due to the lack of natural suction for a lower denture, it can be difficult to hold the denture securely in place when the patient speaks or eats. As a result, your dentist may suggest an overdenture.

Overdentures include connectors that affix the dentures mechanically to existing teeth or dental implants. The dentures can be released and removed by the patient as needed. However, they offer stability due to the connectors.


Dental bridges are used to replace one or more teeth. Made from a false tooth or several false teeth bordered by a dental crown on each side of the appliance, a traditional dental bridges is not removable as dentures are.

Using dental bonding material, the dentist connects the bridge crowns to the underlying teeth that border the gap formed by the missing teeth. Thus, the bridge cannot be removed by the patient. Still, if a bridge replacement is necessary, your dentist is able to remove the damaged appliance.

Dental Implant

Compared to other tooth replacement options, a dental implant most closely resembles the appearance and functionality of a natural tooth. The implant is actually a metal screw that is inserted into the jawbone where it fuses with the bone through osseointegration. After the screw has become stabilized in the jawbone, a connector can be added to it so that a crown can be placed.

In instances where multiple adjacent teeth need to be replaced, a dental implant may serve as a stabilizing device for a dental bridge or an overdenture.

If you need to replace one or more teeth, schedule a consultation with a dentist. He or she can recommend the best replacement option for your needs.

To learn more, contact a dental clinic like TLC Dental Center


4 January 2016

Getting Your Toddler to the Dentist Once and For All

Toddlers should see a dentist for the first time by the age of twelve months or by the time their first tooth comes in. But if you are a parent with toddlers anything like mine, the prospect of going to the dentist (let alone anywhere!) can be pretty intimidating. My kids were a handful growing up. They had tantrums any time we would have to sit in a waiting room, and they refused to get in the dentist's chair during their first few visits. So, I had to employ a professional to help me make the transition to finally getting them in that dental chair without all the screaming and crying. I know I'm not the only parent in this situation, so I decided to share the information I've learned with others who can use a little help. You can find all my advice right here on these pages!