How Do Dentists Correct Overbites?

Dentist Blog

Overbites, which are characterized by the upper teeth overlapping the lower ones, are a common dental concern that affects many people. They can impair the appearance of teeth, cause discomfort in the mouth, and contribute to wider oral health problems, such as tooth decay and jaw pain. Fortunately, dental professionals offer several effective methods of overbite correction at their disposal. Read on to find out more about modern overbite correction techniques.  

  • Orthodontics

Orthodontic treatments are often the first line of treatment for an overbite. They usually involve the use of braces. When deployed for teeth overbite correction, braces apply steady pressure to gradually shift the teeth and jaw into a more desirable alignment. Traditional metal braces consist of brackets affixed to the teeth, connected by wires that orthodontists periodically tighten. These days, patients can also opt for ceramic braces, which have tooth-colored or clear brackets, or lingual braces, attached to the backs of teeth. They work in the same way but look less in-your-face than their metal counterparts.

  • Clear Aligners

Secondly, transparent aligners offer a modern alternative to traditional orthodontic treatments. Brands like Invisalign, for example, provide a series of clear, custom-made, removable aligners that subtly adjust the teeth over time. Patients typically switch to a new set of aligners every two weeks as their teeth overbite correction progresses. While clear aligners may not be suitable for severe overbites, they can be an excellent option for mild to moderate cases, particularly among adults who wish to avoid the look of traditional braces.

  • Growth Modifiers

For young children with developing jaws, dentists may recommend growth modification devices. These modifiers, such as Herbst appliances, help improve the relationship between the upper and lower jaw. As such, they correct the overbite of a child as they grow.

  • Dental Appliances

In addition to braces or aligners, dentists may recommend specific dental appliances to correct overbites. One such device that is typical is a palate expander. This is designed to widen the upper jaw during the teeth overbite correction process. Another slightly less common appliance is known as dental headgear. Dentists attach it to braces and wrap the headgear around the back of the head or neck to apply additional pressure. This method tends to be used in more serious cases.

  • Surgical Intervention

In cases of severe overbites, or when non-surgical treatment options are not effective, surgical intervention might be necessary. Orthognathic surgery can reposition the jawbones, leading to improved bite alignment. Surgery is typically a last resort and involves a significant recovery period.


30 May 2023

Getting Your Toddler to the Dentist Once and For All

Toddlers should see a dentist for the first time by the age of twelve months or by the time their first tooth comes in. But if you are a parent with toddlers anything like mine, the prospect of going to the dentist (let alone anywhere!) can be pretty intimidating. My kids were a handful growing up. They had tantrums any time we would have to sit in a waiting room, and they refused to get in the dentist's chair during their first few visits. So, I had to employ a professional to help me make the transition to finally getting them in that dental chair without all the screaming and crying. I know I'm not the only parent in this situation, so I decided to share the information I've learned with others who can use a little help. You can find all my advice right here on these pages!