Wisdom Teeth Surgery: Why Consider It?

Dentist Blog

When you get your wisdom teeth removed, it's wise to consider wisdom teeth surgery over other types of removal efforts. Wisdom teeth removal surgery involves general anesthesia that will make the experience less memorable and uncomfortable for you. Even if you are alert for your procedure, wisdom teeth removal can still be considered surgery because of what goes into the extraction process. You should only have wisdom teeth removal surgery done by a specialist in oral surgeon work and your dentist can refer you to a specialist if you have to have intensive work done on your teeth.

17 November 2022

3 Ways Dental Implants Can Help

Dentist Blog

Many Americans have missing teeth, and there are multiple ways to replace missing teeth. However, dental implants are growing in popularity because of their many benefits. If you would like to know more, check out these three ways dental implants can help. 1. Restore Your Smile's Appearance and Functionality                 Dental implants have a porcelain dental crown, which looks much like natural tooth tissue. The porcelain even has the light translucence that teeth have.

17 October 2022

4 Reasons You Should Not Panic Before A Dental Implant Surgery

Dentist Blog

Dental implants are popular among patients looking for tooth replacement options because they give a natural look and are durable. Although their numerous benefits might have already convinced you to schedule an appointment with your dentist, you could be skeptical or anxious about the procedure. Undergoing a surgical procedure might be scary if it is your first time. Therefore, if you feel anxious about the surgical procedure, this piece is for you.

19 September 2022

Gum Pain: Can A Dentist Help You?

Dentist Blog

If the pain in your gums overwhelms you at times, you may wonder if it's due to gum disease or something else. Although gum disease can cause discomfort in your gums, so can infection and tooth decay. A dentist can diagnose and treat the cause of your gum pain for you. Learn more about gum pain and how a dentist treats it below. What Causes Gum Pain in Adults? Gum pain isn't something you should ignore.

15 August 2022

Dental Implants: Can They Restore Your Chewing Ability?

Dentist Blog

If you lost a few back teeth in the past, you might experience a number of problems over time, including the inability to chew food. Chewing allows your teeth to break down food. If you don't have enough teeth in the back of your mouth, you can't break down food properly. You can replace your back teeth with dental implants. Learn how the inability to chew food affects you and how dental implants can make it better below.

11 July 2022

An Introduction To 3 Common Dental Crown Materials

Dentist Blog

Dental crowns protect and restore cracked, chipped, or decayed teeth so you can enjoy a more natural smile. Crowns are also essential for holding dental bridges in place and covering dental implants. If your dentist recommends a crown for tooth restoration, you will have a decision to make: Which type of crown should you choose? Here's an introduction to three common dental crown materials to help you make the best choice for your teeth.

31 May 2022

4 Important Tips To Prepare For A Dental Implant Surgery

Dentist Blog

Have you decided to get a dental implant to replace your missing tooth? That's a great idea, as dental implants are a safe option for replacing missing teeth. However, if this is your first time, you're likely to have many questions about the whole treatment process. Perhaps you're even wondering how you can prepare for the procedure.  Here are four things you can do to ensure your dental implant surgery is a success.

20 April 2022