Tooth Pain? Your Tooth Might Be Broken Without You Even Knowing It

Dentist Blog

When a tooth breaks, you'll want to get it fixed as quickly as possible. But what if your tooth is broken and you don't even know it? It might sound impossible, but not every broken tooth involves a piece breaking off completely or visibly. Cracks and fractures in teeth are also very serious problems that should be diagnosed and taken care of right away. What's So Serious About Fractured Teeth?

11 June 2015

What Are The Best Dental Crowns For Molars?

Dentist Blog

Does your tooth have damage that's too large or widespread for a filling to fix? A dental crown could provide the solution. Instead of fitting inside the tooth like a filling, the crown fits over the exterior of the existing tooth like a protective cap. Different styles of crowns exist that vary in how much of the tooth the crown covers. And crowns also come made out of a few different materials.

22 May 2015

Bridges, Implants, Or Dentures: Which Is Right For You?

Dentist Blog

If you are missing some of your teeth, there are plenty of options for repairing your smile. Three common methods are bridges, implants, and dentures, with each having their own advantages and disadvantages. By knowing the differences, you can decide on which one is best for you. Bridges Dental bridges are a very cost effective solution for those only missing a few teeth. The bridge is installed permanently, but requires healthy teeth that surround the gap for the bridge to attach to.

22 April 2015

What Are The Dental Regions Associated With A Root Canal?

Dentist Blog

Root canals are a common tool for removing a persisting infection from the inside of a tooth. When discussing infection treatment options with your dentist, several sections of the tooth will be mentioned. It's important to know what these sections are and how they correlate so that you fully understand the procedure. And the knowledge can help you to better understand how improper oral healthcare can affect your teeth in the future.

13 April 2015

Why Every Senior Should Be Visiting A Dentist: Dental Problems That Come With Age

Dentist Blog

If you're a senior adult who hasn't visited the dentist in quite some time, it can be easy to just "let it slide." If you don't have any issues you know of, why bother? Unfortunately, there are a number of dental issues that come with age. Here's a look at some of the conditions you're a little more at risk for as you get older. Darkened or stained teeth: Over the years, the enamel on your teeth starts to wear thin, showing the dentin underneath.

24 March 2015

Dry Socket: What It Is And What To Do About It

Dentist Blog

If you have recently had a tooth extracted, your dentist might have warned you about a condition called dry socket. This is a very painful condition that occurs when the blood clot that should have formed at the extraction site was dislodged, leaving the nerves and bone open to the air and bacteria. The clot provides protection of these nerves and helps the new bone to grow, as well as encouraging soft tissue to form.

10 March 2015

Your Dental Implants Could Be Affected By These Two Diseases

Dentist Blog

Diseases and disorders can interrupt life and make even the most mundane tasks seem difficult or even impossible. They also cause pain, localized in the affected area but able to spread to other parts of your body; heart diseases can make arms and legs ache, and seasonal allergies can make you itch. But did you know the different maladies you pick up over time can also affect how your dental implants work, and if you can even have any?

24 February 2015

Important Steps To Help You Deal With Cavities

Dentist Blog

For your teeth health, one of the worst things to deal with is a cavity. These can cause you a lot of pain, and they could damage the structure of your teeth. To prepare and deal with teeth cavities, these steps can be taken. Eat Healthy Foods Sometimes the best step to take in order to prepare for cavities is to eat the right foods. That way, cavities are not prone to developing in your mouth over the years.

11 February 2015

How To Remove Invisalign Trays Without Difficulties

Dentist Blog

Are you new to Invisalign, or are you considering using the Invisalign treatment to correct your dental alignment? If so, you will do well to learn a few tips that can help you remove the trays. Without the following tips, you could quickly break off all of your fingernails and experience a great deal of anxiety trying to get the trays out of your mouth. Stay Calm Not being able to get the trays out of your mouth can cause you to panic.

29 January 2015

What Causes Sensitive Teeth And How To Treat Them

Dentist Blog

Sensitive teeth is a common dental complaint in the United States, and you may be relieved to know that it doesn't necessarily mean there is anything else wrong. Sometimes sensitive teeth can be a sign of cavities, but it's equally possible that you have sensitive teeth due to exposed dentin, which can be caused by things like your diet or brushing habits. You can be sensitive to heat, cold, or both.

19 January 2015