4 Helpful Retainer Care Tips

Dentist Blog

Getting your braces off can be a major relief, but chances are you will need to wear a retainer for some time afterward. The purpose of the retainer is to ensure that the ligaments that were realigned with the braces have time to settle permanently into their new positions—otherwise they will slowly pull the teeth back out of alignment. The following tips can help you care for and wear your retainer properly.

12 April 2016

How To Maintain Your Children's Dental Health

Dentist Blog

It's probably no big news to you that dental health can affect a person's overall physical health. In fact, poor dental health can even be a factor in serious illnesses like heart disease and diabetes. Even though it might be a challenge for you to stay on top of your children's dental needs, knowing how important that is to do is probably a great incentive for you. From at-home care to dental care to visits to your family dentist, here are some ideas that might help.

12 April 2016

Two Things You Should Know About Tooth Pulp Infection

Dentist Blog

The dental pulp is the inner core of the tooth that is composed of blood vessels and nerves. Since the pulp is located at the root of the tooth, a serious infection to this part of the tooth can lead to total loss of the affected tooth. Here are two important things you should know about dental pulp infection: Antibacterial Treatment Won't Help Some parts of the body can heal themselves after an infection, but the pulp is an exception.

12 April 2016

Three Ways To Make Your Dentures Last Longer

Dentist Blog

Getting dentures is a great way to help replace any missing teeth or teeth that you had to have removed. This is because dentures not only have the look of natural teeth, but they are also a more affordable option over implants. However, dentures can still deteriorate over time. At some point, you are going to have to replace them and this can be expensive. This is why you want to ensure that you are doing all that you can to make your dentures last longer.

12 April 2016

What Can You Do If Your Front Teeth Look Too Small?

Dentist Blog

Do you look in the mirror and wish that your front teeth were larger? You're not alone. There are many people who are self-conscious about front teeth that they feel are too small for their mouth. Instead of just ignoring this issue, talk to your dentist about your options for making your front teeth appear larger. Here are a few solutions your dentist may suggest. Reshaping the neighboring teeth. The problem might not really be that your front teeth are too small, but rather that the teeth next to them (the lateral incisors) are too large and make your front teeth look small in comparison.

12 April 2016

6 Reasons A Stainless Steel Crown May Be Used

Dentist Blog

Dental crowns can be made from many materials, such as porcelain, porcelain-over-metal, metal alloy, gold or stainless steel. Tooth-colored crowns, such as those made from porcelain, resin or porcelain-over-metal, are usually quite popular because they can blend with the other natural teeth in the patient's mouth. However, stainless steel crowns are also regularly used. Here are a few reasons why: Cavities in Primary Teeth When a cavity develops in a primary tooth, it may be filled using dental composite material or amalgam.

3 March 2016

Teething: When Does It Occur And How To Relieve Discomfort

Dentist Blog

Every parent knows that the time during which his or her child starts teething is going to be interesting. Your baby will likely have some rough nights, which means that you will too. With these tips, you can hopefully manage to relieve some of your child's discomfort and make the teething process as smooth as possible. When does teething start? Most babies will start to feel their baby teeth emerging when they are around six months old.

11 February 2016

2 Cosmetic Dental Procedures To Transform Your Smile

Dentist Blog

If you believe that changing your teeth could improve the look of your smile, there are cosmetic dental applications that may be able to help. Cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of the teeth. Here are two cosmetic dental procedures that can transform your smile: Dental Bleaching One of the most noticeable things when a person smiles is the color of his or her teeth. Over time, teeth can accumulate stains from the food and drink that you ingest.

21 January 2016

3 Tooth Replacement Options Your Dentist May Suggest

Dentist Blog

If you have missing teeth, you may feel overwhelmed by the number of options available for tooth replacement. However, different options offer separate benefits, and your dentist will help match your needs to the appropriate dental prosthetic. Here are a few tooth replacement options that your dentist may suggest: Dentures Dentures are commonly used to replace a full or mostly full palate of teeth.  An upper denture is made from false teeth that are connected to an appliance that usually covers the roof of the mouth and is held in place with suction and dental adhesive.

4 January 2016